Besides the incurable syndrome of snatching for stray cats, i would love to highlight, also that stray cats have usually have big eyes and are quite small in nature, often noisy and purrs at the most inapt times. Even ESPECIALLY when the atmosphere already is SOOOOO stuffy, that endless LOUD purrs, oh wait should i say
that almost intolerable voice-resembling meow, can often be too much to take.
I for one, have had only one encounter with stray cats, (wait I think cats should be singular) i mean cat. THE cat was unexpectedly not of appreciative quality, i mean. ITs like u guys think i would ACTUALLY like one of those evil-gremlin looking sharped eared, gold-fish EYED aliens? how about ET the 3 fingered alien?
i mean come on, even though SHUI LIAN wasnt exactly human,( in retrospect i think she looks like ET with sausage lips) but never the less. EVen the_gang's advocator of "the world without strangers", think i would go against the tradition and adopt the cat as "men's best friend." anyway. think enough has been said... time to sign off
BTW, this is just for laughs no mean-ness intended.