Monday, August 08, 2005

The wait has ended.

Hi guys,

Yes, finally the wait has ended for most of us. I just had my first day of school and thought I would share some of my thoughts with you guys.

As with most things, the wait is always more enjoyable than the actual happening. Like how we all wished to ORD soon but were in a state of lost when it came. Starting the uni life wasn't that much of a pleasure either. Actually it's kinda over-whelming for me, all the new responsibilities suddenly thrown on your shoulders, the need to bid for modules(I shan't go into it), the tutorials and essays you will need to write. Having once again to learn how to balance your studies and social life.

Ok, actually I realised there isn't much to say except my lamenting...Therefore I shall not carry on..The purpose of this post is actually to get you guys back on...Start posting more stuff, perhaps it will be one of the few ways we will be communicating thru for the next few years. And here's to our Nation's independence...cheers!

I lost my train of thoughts...Damn it.
